
Visits are available by appointment only. We look forward to welcoming you!


Come and relax in one of our infrared saunas. Benefits include: Detox, muscle relaxation and recovery, anti-aging by increasing collagen and elastin and regenerating cells with increased circulation, reduce inflammation, increase your metabolism and burn calories, help regulate your body’s natural circadian rhythm, which will aid in a better night’s sleep. These are just a few examples of the MANY benefits of our infrared saunas. Showers are provided after for your convenience.

What are full spectrum infrared saunas?

The sun emits both visible and invisible rays of light. Invisible light rays (infrared wavelengths) cause sunlight to feel warm against our skin. Scientific research has found that infrared waves benefit our overall health by stimulating our cardiovascular, immune, and lymphatic systems. This stimulation assists in removing toxins from the body and promotes relaxation. Unlike harmful ultraviolet light rays (known to increase your risk of melanoma and other types of cancer), infrared rays are harnessed and generally beneficial and delightful.

Instead of using steam or a physical heating element, an infrared sauna utilizes infrared wavelengths of light. Your body readily absorbs infrared heat, which allows your core temperature to increase slowly and induces a relaxing, healthy sweat.

Using a full-spectrum Infrared Sauna on a regular basis helps to promote a lifetime of healthful living through the many benefits of infrared therapy.

Full spectrum infrared sauna vs. traditional sauna

Traditional saunas heat the air by creating a hot steam from pouring water over the hot stones, but infrared saunas directly warm the skin, causing the skin to absorb the light and heating the body directly. The result is deeper tissue penetration. In an infrared sauna, the body perspires and receives all of the healthy benefits but avoids the harmful and extremely hot air of a traditional steam sauna. Temperatures inside infrared saunas range from 110 to 150 degrees F and operate at a lower temperature than traditional steam saunas, which can reach up to 200 degrees F. This makes the experience comfortable and dry rather than humid and very hot, which can be stifling for those who are sensitive to heat. The extremely hot air in a traditional sauna can be uncomfortable for many people, prompting them to exit the sauna early before the full benefits of detoxification and rejuvenation can be revealed. With an infrared sauna, the healing infrared light and heat penetrates the body more deeply so you sweat more, but at a lower temperature. This makes it possible for individuals to spend more time in an infrared sauna to produce sweat, burn calories, and boost their metabolism.

The health benefits of our infrared saunas

Using infrared heat helps your body relax while promoting cell repair and tissue healing. Chromotherapy is known to help the body and mind by providing an experience much like sitting in the sun. When you use one of our infrared treatment rooms regularly, you will most likely notice improvements after just a few sessions.  Regular treatments help you to get the full effect of the infrared sauna therapy. For example, you may discover you have less muscle pain after workouts because the sauna treatments can help release the lactic acid you have in your muscles. 
  • Overall Health and Wellness – Taking regular saunas may help simulate mild exercise, alleviates muscle tension, boosts immunity by increasing body core temperature, increases blood flow to the skin and relaxes facial tension, assists with weight loss, improves sense of well-being, increases metabolic rate, elevates ability to detoxify via increased perspiration, and increases lymphatic circulation.
  • Detoxification – Saunas are well known for helping your body detoxify by sweating dating back to the days of the Romans. What toxins can be removed? Excess sodium, lactic acid, and uric acid for starters. But, there are toxins in our fat cells, which are harder to get rid of, such as heavy metals and environmental toxins.
  • Relaxation – The health benefit of relaxation helps improve sleep, reduces stress hormones, reduces blood pressure, alleviates symptoms associated with seasonal depression, and the releases the body’s natural painkillers: Endorphins, Beta-endorphins and Norepinephrines.
  • Injury Healing – Regular sauna use can help to improve circulation and get rid of the swelling around injuries. Our treatment rooms let you unwind and allow the light to heat up your body. The warmth helps remove the toxins from your body.

Good info to know...

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session to replenish fluids lost through perspiration.
  • Limit food intake one hour before your infrared session. This allows the body to detox more effectively because it will not be using that energy for digestion.
  • Oil and lotion decrease perspiration by blocking pores. Therefore, it is best to enter a sauna with dry, clean skin.
  • Toweling off during your session will keep the pores open for the body to perspire more.
  • To relieve sore and tight muscles, massage these areas for faster recovery.
  • Cell phones, water bottles (both plastic and glass), and remote controls should be kept outside of the sauna or in the heat safe box. This prevents items from overheating, melting, or breaking. Paper goods are safe to take inside (i.e. books and magazines)

Price List 

Click treatment for description of services

40 min session. Come and relax in one of our infrared saunas. Benefits include: Detox, muscle relaxation and recovery, anti aging by increasing collagen and elastin and regenerating cells with increased circulation, reduce inflammation, increase your metabolism and burn calories, help regulate your body’s natural circadian rhythm, which will aid in a better nights sleep. These are just a few examples of the MANY benefits of our infrared saunas. Showers are provided after for your convenience.

Take your self care to the next level. Enjoy 40 mins in our infrared sauna, followed by one of our luxurious signature facials. It’s guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed and glowing!

Four (4) Infrared Sauna Sessions* for $120. A $20 savings! *Sauna Packages must be prepaid

Ten (10) Infrared Sauna Sessions* for $310, a savings of $40! *Sauna Packages MUST BE prepaid.

Two (2) individuals enjoying a 40 minute Infrared Sauna in the same sauna.